Lightrays and introductions | My First Vlog!

Corndon Hill Powys Vlog

After a lot of thought, procrastination and basic ‘chickening out’ I have finally decided to start creating videos of my photography trips to publish on both Youtube and my website.

For a long time, and for my own personal reasons, I wanted to try and keep Black Key Photography separate from myself as a person. However, over time I have realised that following this approach has been hindering the progress and development of my business. So I have slowly been introducing myself a little bit more into Black Key Photography, and by slowly I mean that I now have my own name associated a lot more with Black Key Photography on my social media accounts and in the media I use to advertised the business, and I now have photos that actually show my face on my website!

Filming and creating vlogs is the next step in this process and it is a BIG step and challenge for me! I have always been incredibly camera shy and I certainly lack confidence in promoting both myself and my photography. I am very critical of my own photography and I think (and hope) I always will be because that has always been the driving force behind me wanting to learn new skills and techniques, visit new locations and improve my photography. However, I now feel that the standard of my photography has reached a level at which I am much more comfortable promoting it to a wider audience and feel that I can explain the skills and techniques I use to capture my images with more authority than I may have been able to do so a few years ago.

I am venturing into the word of vlogging and video production for the first time and, although my vlogs may be a little rough around the edges at the moment, I am learning all the time and will hopefully improve both the quality of my videos and my confidence in being ‘on screen’ enough to be able to allow you to get to know the real me a little better, as well as pass on some of the skills and techniques I use to capture my images and most importantly show you the beautiful landscapes that I am lucky enough to visit and hopefully inspire you to visit them for yourselves!

In my first vlog, I hike up Corndon Hill and try to battle through my camera shyness to introduce myself, my photography and the area in which I live to you, whilst capturing a few landscape images!

If you enjoyed the video please subscribe to my Youtube channel, I will be posting new videos each week.

Images captured during this video:

Corndon Hill Lightrays Powys
Corndon Hill Panorama Powys

Recent Blog Posts

Here are some more of my recent blog posts covering my YouTube vlogs – watch the video, read about the locations and take closer look at the photos I managed to capture.

For more photos from across Wales, the UK and beyond follow my Instagram account

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog and for all the support I have received so far, it really is greatly appreciated!

All of the images from my website, social media and Youtube videos are available for licensing or to purchase as digital image downloads, fine art and photographic prints.

If they are not on display in my online store then please feel free to contact me with details of your request.

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All content on is my own, please do not use my photographs without requesting permission beforehand. Some links within these posts are Affiliate links.

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Landscape Photographer Chris Wain, Black Key Photography

Hello and welcome to Black Key Photography, I’m Chris, a landscape photographer based in rural Mid Wales with a passion for photographing the great outdoors that has spurred me on to travel far and wide.

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Purchasing a print is an amazing way of showing your support for my photography. However, I do understand that it can be expensive and the decision involves many more factors than simply the desire to help support my photography.

So, as an alternative way of showing your support and to help keep Black Key Photography up and running, you could buy me a coffee (or many coffees) by clicking the link below!